
Stocks gains tax to be abolished next year

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Date:2015-11-17 閱讀

The legislature has abolished the controversial stocks gains tax after it was put to a vote. Under a revision to the income tax law, the new measure will come into effect on January 1st next year. The stocks gains tax was in place for two years and has been revised four times since 2012. The legislature’s decision to strike down the tax has won support from both the ruling and opposition parties. Ruling KMT lawmaker Lo Ming-tsai said on Tuesday that the decision was made for the sake of Taiwan’s economic future and on the basis of the principles of “ability to pay” and “tax withheld at source.” He said the stocks gains tax has destabilized Taiwan’s stock market. “After the decision was made today, all well-heeled stock investors, including foreign investment, are welcome to invest in Taiwan and speed up Taiwan’s economic development. When the revision goes into effect, hopefully shares will rise to the 10,000 point mark and the public will have a better life like before,” said Lo. Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) Chairman William Tseng said the abolition will add momentum to the stock market at the end of this year. Resource : RTI (Radio Taiwan International) http://english.rti.org.tw/news/?recordId=36947

兩岸租稅協議 有助外商經台灣投資大陸

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Date:2015-08-26 閱讀

兩岸兩會今天簽署兩岸租稅協議。財政部官員說明,因為台灣法制保障更健全,租稅協議生效後,外資更願意經台灣投資大陸。 海峽交流基金會、大陸海峽兩岸關係協會25日在福州簽署「海峽兩岸避免雙重課稅及加強稅務合作協議」,為台灣第29個租稅協定(議),也是大陸第103個租稅協定(議)。租稅協議談判始於2009年。 兩岸租稅協議基於「四不原則」,即不溯及既往、不作刑事案件使用、不作稅務外用途、不是具體個案不提供。 另外,協議也納入因應兩岸狀況的例外條款,由於台商早年皆經第三地投資大陸,未來只要實際管理處所位於台灣、依台灣稅法納稅者,均可納入保障、避免雙重課稅。 同時,逃漏稅在台灣僅有行政罰,但在大陸卻可能被提起刑事公訴,許多台商先前對租稅協議態度保留,即源自於此,而不溯及既往、不作刑事使用,意在增加台商保障。 財政部資深官員日前曾經分析,兩岸租稅協議不僅是著眼於大陸市場,減輕台商租稅負擔、增加台商經商保障,更重要的是藉制度更加完備,吸引外資來台設點,再進入大陸市場。 官員表示,針對外商部分,兩岸租稅協議允許,已經在台設立子(分)公司的外資,可以準用相關規定,直接進入大陸市場。對於新增外資,只要符合相關規定,也能適用兩岸租稅協議。 官員指出,在台灣已經簽訂的租稅協定(議)中,雖然以歐洲居多,加上澳洲與印度等亞太大國,但未來擴展至東北亞、北美地區後,外資經台灣投資大陸的狀況將會更多。1040825 資料來源: 中央社記者胡立宗福州25日電


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Date:2015-04-01 閱讀
